Indigo/Blue, The Art Garage, Cooperstown, NY.........................................................................................2019

Splash, with Megan Irving, Petey Brown, & Ashley Cooper, ​​The Art Garage, Cooperstown, NY................2018
The Truth,
Smithy Gallery, Cooperstown, NY..............................................................................................2018
Bow Wow Meow,
Alpha Fired Arts Gallery, Sacramento, CA.....................................................................2017
WIP ZINE, issue 01
,compiled by Anna Spence...........................................................................................2017
A Place at the Table,
ceramics show, Smithy Gallery, Cooperstown, NY...................................................2017
COMPULSION: Steph Marcus, Rosa Byun,& Sean Starwars,
New Orleans, LA....................................2016
Domesticated Space Travelers
 (Galerie Project), Brooklyn Fire Proof, Brooklyn, NY.......…..Nov 13-15, 2015
The Portrait Show,
Pearl Street Gallery, Chelsea, MA…….............................October 10 - November 1, 2015
Who Might I Be? Pretending, Disguise, and Illusion,
curated by Mara Brod, Nave Gallery Annex, Somerville, MA...................................................................................................................….August 7-29, 2015
65th Annual Art of the Northeast Exhibition,
curated by Michelle Grabner and Brad Killam, Silvermine Arts Center, New Haven, CT...............................................................................................................June-July 2015

Folktales and Legends, Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, WI ....................................................April-July 2015
Fun-a-Day Boston, Aviary Gallery, Jamaica Plain, MA...................................................................March 2015
4th Annual Small Works Exhibition, the Gallery at Porter Mill, Beverly, MA.........November-December 2014
Sheltered: Art Benefit for Animals at Risk, Davis Arts Center, Davis, CA...............October-November 2014
Cat Art Show (w Tony Taylor Solo Show) Project Gallery, Toronto, Canada............. August-September 2014
Identity, Dedham Square Art Guild, Dedham, MA............................................................July-September 2014
“No. 20:” MFA Exhibition, Lesley College of Art & Design Main Gallery, Boston, Ma..............June 23-28 2014
Group Show, Washington St. Studios, Somerville, MA…....................................................................July 2014
Art on Record (paintings on vinyl records), APW Gallery, NY, New York……………….………………........2009
Plaigiarism and Appropriation, Gallery RFD, Swainsboro, GA…………….……..…….September-October 2007
Fuori Luogo (Out of Place), Prato, Bologna, Vicenza, Rovereto, IT………………….…….…….….October 2006

  • One of 30 artists chosen for 7th International Book Arts Show, which traveled by bus to the following museums: Centro Pecci di Prato, Museo Morandi di Bologna, Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana di Vicenza, MART di Rovereto. Curated by Stefania Missio.

Mostra di Studenti Internazionali, Scuola Internazionale di Grafica, Venice, IT.…..…………………....…...2006
Teardo Prize, Scuola Internazionale di Grafica, Venice, IT…………………………………….…...…Spring 2006

​​​For a process photos, inspirations and other thoughts, please check out my graduate school blog:


  • Lives in Cooperstown, NY
  • Teacher, doodler, cat handler
  • Former Elementary School Art Teacher in Randolph, MA (2009-2016)
  • Masters in Fine Arts, Lesley University College of Art and Design (2012-2014)
  • Received teaching license at MASSART, (2008)
  • Studied for 8 months at the Scuola Internazionale di Grafica in Venice, Italy (2005-06)  
  • Graduated from Wesleyan University, History Major (2005)                    

(full artist's CV available on request)

